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Living Plastic Houses Bacterial Spores That Help It Break Down

A new type of bioplastic could help reduce the plastic industry’s environmental footprint. Researchers led by the University of California San Diego have developed...

Safer, Cheaper, More Powerful Aluminum Batteries

Safer, Cheaper, More Powerful Aluminum Batteries: A good battery needs two things: high energy density to power devices, and stability, so it can be...

Atoms to Materials: Unlock path to Sustainable Technologies

Atoms to Materials: Unlock path to Sustainable Technologies: New research by the University of Liverpool could signal a step change in the quest to...

Materials with Bird-Inspired Structural Colors Using Nanoparticle

  Materials with Bird-Inspired Structural Colors Using Nanoparticle: Materials scientists are often bioinspired, and in a new study, bird-inspired by structural colors exhibited by avian...

Artificial Muscle Fibers Could Serve as Cell Scaffolds

Artificial Muscle Fibers Could Serve as Cell Scaffolds: In two new studies, North Carolina State University researchers designed and tested a series of textile...

Forging a Dream Material with Semiconductor Quantum Dots

Researchers from the RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science and collaborators have succeeded in creating a “superlattice” of semiconductor quantum dots that can behave...

Metal–Hydrogel Hybrids

Hybrid systems of hydrogels and metals with tough bonding may find widespread application in smart materials and device interfaces. Metal–Hydrogel Hybrids: Hydrogels, or water swollen...

Breakthrough Research Allows Recycling of Mixed Plastics

Breakthrough Research Allows Recycling of Mixed Plastics: Plastics are everywhere in our daily lives, but not all plastics are created equal ­– far from...

Temperature-Sensing Building Material Changes to Save Energy

Temperature-Sensing Building Material changes to Save Energy: Researchers at the University of Chicago’s Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering (PME) have designed a chameleon-like building...

Mysteries of Mineral Material Mica

A well-known mineral is once again the center of attention thanks to applications in electronics: the Vienna University of Technology shows that mica still...
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