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Living Plastic Houses Bacterial Spores That Help It Break Down

A new type of bioplastic could help reduce the plastic industry’s environmental footprint. Researchers led by the University of California San Diego have developed...

Rice lab finds better way to handle hard-to-recycle material

The process transforms glass fiber-reinforced plastic into silicon carbide A better way to handle hard-to-recycle material is glass fiber-reinforced plastic (GFRP), a strong and durable...

Artificial Intelligence Revolutionize Recycling

Artificial Intelligence Revolutionize Recycling: Automation and artificial intelligence are revolutionizing industries globally and that includes the recycling sector. One remarkable example can be found...

Germany to Get Europe’s Largest Advanced Recycling Plant

Mura Technology will build the advanced recycling facility at Dow’s Böhlen site in Germany. Completion is expected by 2025. Germany to Get Europe’s Largest Advanced...

Molecular Simulations to Study Self-Assembling ‘Associating Polymers’

by Kaitlyn Landram, Carnegie Mellon University Materials Science and Engineering Molecular Simulations to Study Self-Assembling 'Associating Polymers': When plastic materials are processed or recycled, their fundamental...

Engineering Enzymes to Help Solve the Planet’s Plastic Problem

by University of Manchester Researchers from the Manchester Institute of Biotechnology (MIB) have developed a new enzyme engineering platform toimprove plastic degrading enzymes through directed evolution. To...

Designer Materials to Keep Plastic Out of Landfills

– By Alison Hatt Scientists have designed a new material system to overcome one of the biggest challenges in recycling consumer products: mixed-plastic recycling. Their achievement will...

Plastic-eating Enzyme Could Eliminate Tons of Waste

An enzyme variant created by engineers and scientists at The University of Texas at Austin can break down environment-throttling plastics that typically take centuries...

Researchers Demonstrate use of Metal-Organic Frameworks to Degrade Plastics

Method efficiently breaks down plastic bottles into component parts   What if the life cycle of the plastic bottle was circular? Where a used plastic bottle...

If the UN wants to slash plastic waste, it must tackle...

You pick up a piece of plastic litter from the beach, and get a small buzz. You’ve done something for the environment. But then...
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