The 3DGence INDUSTRY F340 is a dual nozzle industrial 3D printer suitable for working with a range of functional materials including the high-grade thermoplastic PEEK.
3D Printing Industry recently visited Poland to test the 3DGence F340 and find out if this industrial additive manufacturing system lives to the manufacturer’s claims.
As an FFF/FDM 3D printer, the 3DGence INDUSTRY F340 is targeted towards applications ranging from production to prototype in a variety of industrial workplaces. Our review found that this 3D printer was meticulously engineered and easily able to handle any task, producing reliable and repeatable 3D prints time after time.
Testing the core claims of the 3DGence INDUSTRY F340
What separates the INDUSTRY F340 from the crowd is its ability to create high quality, very accurate and detailed prints effortlessly with any material fed in within the range. Furthermore, the 3DGence INDUSTRY F340 has a patented extruder with a modular design.
This multi-material 3D printer can use the vast majority of available filaments on the market. These range from standard materials such as PLA, to high-temperature thermoplastics including PEEK. Multi-material capability on the F340 is a matter of simply swapping the extruder modules, says the manufacturer.
Fundamental to the capabilities of the F340 are four core components, the interchangeable printing modules, a controlled printing environment, smart material management, and the heated material storage chamber.
Interchangeable Printing Modules:
The 3DGence INDUSTRY F340 features the option to use three different variants of an interchangeable hot end assembly or printing modules. The PRO, HT and HTmax modules are each specifically designed for a particular range of filaments. This allows users to select the suitable module for a project.
We tested all three modules with the manufacturers recommended settings using the 3DGence Slicer. The process for switching between the modules is very simple and is well documented in the user manual. This task is quickly accomplished and a user would find it very easy after the first use.
Controlled Printing Environment
A second, and very important, feature incorporated within the machine is the controlled printing chamber environment.
The printing chamber is actively heated using heating fans. Furthermore, the temperature is monitored and can be controlled using the touchscreen interface. This feature is impressive, but also vital when printing with high-temperature thermoplastics such as PEEK. Even when working with a material like ABS the temperature stability and degree of control leads to enhanced prints and dimensional stability. For example, a functional gear design we printed with ABS filament as a test sample came out remarkably accurate and did not require any additional post-processing.
Furthermore, large industrial grade air filters protect the operating environment outside of the printer from fumes or odors that might be produced during 3D printing.
Read more: REVIEW: 3DGence F340, a powerful PEEK 3D printing workhorse
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