3D Printed Resistors From Electrically Conductive Filament
In a paper entitled “Characterization of resistors created by fused filament fabrication using electrically-conductive filament,” a pair of researchers 3D prints resistors using electrically...
3D Systems Breakthrough Material to Enable Digital Production of Plastic Parts
3D Systems (NYSE:DDD) unveiled Figure 4 Production Black 10 (PRO-BLK 10) - a revolutionary production material for additive manufacturing applications that enables manufacturers to...
Colossus unveils large-scale 3D printer for recycled plastics with Mitsubishi Chemical
Colossus, a machine development startup based in Genk, Belgium, has released what is said to be the largest Fused Granular Fabrication (FGF) 3D printer...
Engineers print metal on flowers and jello
Martin Thuo of Iowa State University and the Ames Laboratory clicked through the photo gallery for one of his research projects.
How about this one?...
Kodak Portrait 3D Printer that can fit on your desk
Kodak has launched its KODAK Portrait 3D printer at Formnext 2018 in partnership with Smart International, Kodak’s global brand licensee for all things 3D...
Kumovis High Temperature PEEK Medical Printer
Last year at Formnext I spotted a young team standing around a 3D printer. This team was Kumovis. Kumovis launched a medical high-temperature FDM...
Scientists Bring Polymers Into Atomic-Scale Focus
From water bottles and food containers to toys and tubing, many modern materials are made of plastics. And while we produce about 110 million...
Your Next Flight Is Brought to You by 3D Printing
The technology will revolutionize manufacturing, but how? United Technologies, GE and Honeywell are taking different approaches.
Like the cotton gin and the modern assembly line,...
Graphene-based ink may lead to printable energy storage devices
Researchers have created an ink made of graphene nanosheets and demonstrated that the ink can be used to print 3-D structures. As the graphene-based...
Stratasys and Solvay Partner to Bring New FDM Materials to Market and Expand Adoption...
Stratasys (NASDAQ: SSYS) today established an authorized materials partner program – designed to expand the range of high-performance polymers available to manufacturers leveraging Stratasys’...