Intelligent Flying Assistant Drone to Help ISS Astronauts
Airbus and IBM are taking the concept of a smart assistant for astronaut crew into space in the form of a spherical free-flying AI...
Multicolor 3D Printing: Where Is It Heading Next?
There’s been a lot of talk recently about multicolor and full color 3D printing. As 3D printing technology advances, the things that can be...
Soon you may be able to 3D print clothing in your own home
Three-dimensional printing has changed the way we make everything from prosthetic limbs to aircraft parts and even homes.
Now it may be poised to upend...
Why you should be 3D printing your medical devices
3D Printing Bioresorbable Polymers for Medical Devices
“Why aren’t you using additive manufacturing to make your medical devices?” Scott Taylor, Chief Technology Officer at Poly-Med...
Kiwi students create world-first 3D-printed titanium engine
The world’s first 3D-printed titanium internal combustion engine, designed and built by a team of University of Canterbury students, has been unveiled ahead of...
Stelia uses 3D printing to create self-reinforcing aircraft fuselage panel
The printed fuselage panel showing the rough printed surface on the left and the polished and painted surface on the right(Credit: Stelia Aerospace) Stelia...
DWS Announces New Dental 3D Printing Business Unit and Dental Products
It hasn’t been long since DWS Systems released its last crop of 3D printers, showcasing the technology for which the company is known – SLA. SLA itself...
learnbylayers and Kodak Partner to Expand 3D Printing Education
More and more, we’re seeing the positive impact that 3D printing technology has on education, and many of the industry’s heavy hitters are doing their part to...
The hi-tech future of automotive plastic repairs
February 2018 -- Swinburne is partnering with the Innovative Manufacturing Cooperative Research Centre (IMCRC) and leading repair solutions company, Tradiebot Industries, to transform the automotive repair industry.
Prototyping Tools for Spacewalks—How Zortrax Ecosystem Works at NASA
The International Space Station (ISS) is the largest human-made body in the low Earth orbit. Sixteen modules launched and assembled from 1998 to 2011, provide 32,898...