A 200-year-old guide to color, redesigned for the internet age

The nomenclature of colors we use today is really a machine language–numerical hex codes crafted to communicate with software on computers and printers. Before...

UHMW Plastic | Interstate Plastics

UHMW plastic is ideal for reducing wear and friction due to its specialized internal lubrication, reducing maintenance costs and energy consumption while extending equipment...

Novel 3D Printing Process Used in Unique Nashville and Chicago Installations

A novel 3D printing process developed by Branch Technology, Chattanooga, Tenn., was used in two recently completed unique projects. The firm, an architectural fabricator...

Flat-pack homes and profit-sharing retrofits are making sustainable housing affordable

Wealth-generating, flat-pack solar houses and a profit-sharing scheme that incentivizes retrofitting are bringing sustainable living to people who would otherwise not be able to...

Photovoltaic Concrete: The Next Big Thing in Architecture?

The widespread adoption of photovoltaics remains one of those looming questions in architecture. Despite the growing prevalence of PV-systems all of over the world,...

Titanium dioxide as a nanoscale sensor of mechanical stress

Scientists from EPFL, Germany, and France have revealed a new property of the cheap and abundant material anatase titanium dioxide, which promises applications as...

Marsha 3D Printed Cylinders The Future of Living on Mars

3D PRINTING In-Situ Resource Utilization Martian exploration and settlement at any meaningful scale will depend on materials found on Mars. This is enabled by a technology...

MARY CORSE: A Survey in Light

At the entrance to Mary Corse: A Survey in Light at the Whitney Museum of American Art, a monitor plays White Light (1968), a film showing a young...

Fiberglass Reinforced Panels – FRP | Interstate Plastics

Class C & Class A fiberglass reinforced plastic panels, ideal for new or retrofit construction. ASTM D-5319 rated Nudo FiberLite FRP panels, a fiberglass reinforced...

Polycarbonate Dock Building by Michael Green Architecture

Vancouver firm Michael Green Architecture has built a boathouse for storing racing shells and sails and monitoring maritime activity, with translucent walls and garage...
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