Flat-pack homes and profit-sharing retrofits are making sustainable housing affordable

Wealth-generating, flat-pack solar houses and a profit-sharing scheme that incentivizes retrofitting are bringing sustainable living to people who would otherwise not be able to...

Manufacturers of hydraulic power units are discovering 3D metal printing

Transmitting high power from a small lightweight package is one of the chief benefits of hydraulics. And there aren’t many applications where this is...

Covestro completes sale of U.S. sheets business to Plaskolite

Germany-based materials manufacturer Covestro yesterday successfully closed the sale of Covestro’s Polycarbonates (PCS) sheets business in Sheffield (US) to Plaskolite. Acrylics sheets manufacturer Plaskolite...

Exhibit encourages to ‘think outside the square’ at Iowa State Fair

University Marketing partnered with the College of Design this year for “Think Outside the Square: Design That’s Shaping Iowa’s Future.” The 1,800-square-foot Iowa State exhibit will...

Concrete 3D Printing Technology at CERL Prints Barracks

I was recently invited to the US Army’s Engineer Research and Development Center’s (ERDC) Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL) in Illinois to see a...

Photovoltaic Concrete: The Next Big Thing in Architecture?

The widespread adoption of photovoltaics remains one of those looming questions in architecture. Despite the growing prevalence of PV-systems all of over the world,...

New Material – Bonded 3D woven lattice

The objective of this paper is to unveil a novel damping mechanism exhibited by 3D woven lattice materials (3DW), with emphasis on response to...

Titanium dioxide as a nanoscale sensor of mechanical stress

Scientists from EPFL, Germany, and France have revealed a new property of the cheap and abundant material anatase titanium dioxide, which promises applications as...

Marsha 3D Printed Cylinders The Future of Living on Mars

3D PRINTING In-Situ Resource Utilization Martian exploration and settlement at any meaningful scale will depend on materials found on Mars. This is enabled by a technology...

Detecting damages in non-magnetic steel through magnetism

Wear, corrosion, material fatigue—these signs of degradation are common to most materials. This makes it all the more important to detect damage early, preferably...
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