AI Tackles the Challenge of Materials Structure Prediction

by University of Cambridge Researchers have designed a machine learning method that can predict the structure of new materials with five times the efficiency of the...

Making Hydropower Plants More Sustainable

Natel Energy, founded by sibling MIT alumni, is deploying hydropower systems with fish-safe turbines and other features that mimic natural river conditions. Zach Winn | MIT News...

Storing Medical Information Below the Skin’s Surface

Specialized invisible dye, delivered along with a vaccine, could enable “on-patient” storage of vaccination history to save lives in regions where paper or digital...

Smart Clothes Go Green: The Next Revolution in Textile Electronics

What if you could monitor your heartbeat or detect the intensity of physical exercise by measuring your sweat using nothing but your t-shirt? While...

Hidden Distortions Trigger Promising Thermoelectric Property

UPTON, NY—In a world of materials that normally expand upon heating, one that shrinks along one 3D axis while expanding along another stands out....

Army Developed Multi-Filament Polymer for 3D Printing in the Field

The Army Research Lab at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland developed a new type of multi-polymer filament for desktop 3-D printers, saving money and facilitating fast...

New plant-derived composite is tough as bone and hard as aluminum

Jennifer Chu | MIT News Office The material could pave the way for sustainable plastics. The strongest part of a tree lies not in its trunk or its...

Controlling how “odd couple” Surfaces and Liquids Interact

Spread out or bead up? A new process enables control over liquid-solid interfaces even with the most unlikely pairs of materials. David Chandler | MIT News Office The...

New Ultrathin Film can Autonomously Switch from Dark to Light

Researchers from KAIST created an optical film technology that allows smart windows to autonomously switch between being transparent and opaque in response to light...

Uncovering the Secret of Ternary Polymer Solar Cell Success

  A University of Tsukuba and Hiroshima University team takes a close look at a ternary polymer solar cell in operation to see why the...
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