Researchers Demonstrate use of Metal-Organic Frameworks to Degrade Plastics

Method efficiently breaks down plastic bottles into component parts   What if the life cycle of the plastic bottle was circular? Where a used plastic bottle...

3D Printing Smart Clothes with a New Liquid Metal-Alginate Ink

“Liquid Metal Microgels for Three-Dimensional Printing of Smart Electronic Clothes” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces In the future, smart clothing might monitor our posture, communicate with...

Seeing More Deeply into Nanomaterials

New 3D imaging tool reveals engineered and self-assembled nanoparticle lattices with highest resolution yet—7nm—about 1/100,000 of the width of a human hair UPTON, NY—From designing...

When Atoms Get Out of Line

Author Rebecca McDonald How materials are impacted by the extreme conditions of a nuclear reactor The inside of a nuclear reactor is a treacherous place. Neutrons, escaping from unstable, radioactive atoms, collide with neighboring atoms, causing...

Leaf-inspired bioplastic shrugs off liquids and biodegrades in soil

By Ben Coxworth February 09, 2022 If you're designing a plastic for applications such as food packaging, you want it to stay clean but you don't want it to...

Perovskite solar modules with a marble look

  From 2022, photovoltaics will be mandatory for all new buildings in Baden-Württemberg. From May, this will also affect private households, where the proportion of...

AeroSHARK thin film reduces drag on airplanes

When nature acts as a role model: Lufthansa Group and BASF introduce sharkskin technology The shark is a true master of drag reduction: Lufthansa Technik...

Research and industry partnership helps forge 21st century metallurgy

At 12 years old, Gideon Crawford was making knives in the family basement, and now, as a Virginia Tech senior in the Department of...

If the UN wants to slash plastic waste, it must tackle...

You pick up a piece of plastic litter from the beach, and get a small buzz. You’ve done something for the environment. But then...


Research led by UMass Amherst has major implications for polymer engineering Researchers led by a team from the University of Massachusetts Amherst recently announced a...
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