United States Acetal (POM) Copolymer Market 2017- Basf, Celanese, DuPont, Blackwell Plastics, Ensinger, McNeal...

Diverse factors of the Acetal (POM) Copolymer industry like the supply chain scenario, industry standards, import/export details are also mentioned in this report. Analysis...

“The Fourth Kingdom” Bakelite Plastic Phenolic Resinoids

1937 Bakelite Corporation film Narrated by Lowell Thomas tells the story of the development of Bakelite materials and rapid expansion of its uses for...

Army Investigates New, Tougher Materials for Helmets

A new method for testing the durability of polymers—courtesy of researchers at the Army Research Lab and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology—has revealed that some...

MATERIALS: Low-Emission Polyacetal for Gear Applications

The thermal properties and high-temperature tensile creep of this grade are comparable with the state-of-the-art product, and when it comes to low-emission- and molding...

Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Market provides an in-depth insight of Sales and Trends Forecast to 2022

Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) Market report is a meticulous investigation of current scenario of the market, which covers a number of market dynamics. This research report...

Tiny modern cabin makes up a dream Hawaiian getaway

Is this the ideal tiny cabin living scenario? Occupying a 300-year-old lava formation in the mountains of Maui is Outside House, a home formed...

Kick your smartphone habit with the ‘Substitute Phone’

Cigarettes are hard to kick not just because of the nicotine, but the fact that they give you something to do with your hands. The "Substitute...

Converse Finally Goes Waterproof, With Some Help From Gore-Tex

The Nike-owned shoemaker teams up with Gore to make a new line of weatherproof men's shoes and outerwear. Converse Finally Goes Waterproof, With Some...

Interstate Plastics Highlights UHMW Snow Plows and Scraper Edge Applications

SACRAMENTO, Calif., Nov. 28, 2017  -- Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMW-PE or UHMW) is a heavy-duty, high-impact plastic used in a variety of extreme weather applications from industrial alpine snow removal...

Polygal MWPC Sheets Installation

Polygal products are Multi-wall PC sheets which have an internal structure of ribs, this means the sheets have high rigidity and are also very...
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