Would you pay a premium for a shirt that was made partly with old plastic bottles salvaged from the ocean? Clothing company Gant is betting yes, and introducing a new lineup of men’s and women’s technical shirts that will incorporate PET waste recovered from the seas and upcycled into fabrics.
The new shirts, part of its technical line of wickable and breathable shirts called Tech Prep, will include 10% upcycled plastics. They’ll be available for women and for men, at prices ranging from, roughly, $170 to $195, a premium to the price of its regular technical shirts. “I don’t care if it is 100% upcycled plastics in the shirt or 50%, I want it to be something people want to buy,” says Brian Grevy, Gant’s chief marketing officer.
Read more: Gant Joins Adidas, Others In Making Clothes From Plastic Waste
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