New Quantum Material puts Electrons in a Tangle
A team from Aalto University and the University of Jyväskylä have created an artificial quantum magnet featuring a quasiparticle made of entangled electrons, the...
Multicyclic Molecular Wheels with Polymer Potential
Molecules that act as connected wheels can hold long molecular chains together to modify the properties of soft polymers.
Multicyclic Molecular Wheels with Polymer Potential:...
Sensing and Controlling Microscopic Spin Density in Materials
By fine-tuning the spin density in some materials, researchers may be able to develop new quantum sensors or quantum simulations.
Sensing and Controlling Microscopic Spin...
New Materials Boosts Robot Solar Energy Research
New Robot Boosts Solar Energy Research: Researchers have created a robot capable of conducting experiments more efficiently and sustainably to develop a range of...
Boron Nitride Composite Useful for Advanced Technology
Boron nitride-based nanocomposites have unexpected properties, researchers discovered
Boron Nitride Composite Useful for Advanced Technology: Just as carbon makes up both the brittle core of...
Energy-Storing Supercapacitor from Ancient Materials
Made of cement, carbon black, and water, the device could provide cheap and scalable energy storage for renewable energy sources.
Energy-Storing Supercapacitor from Ancient Materials:...
Lithium Revealed for the First Time in UCLA Research
Fundamental discovery and new technique could lead to better, safer rechargeable batteries
Lithium Revealed for the First Time in UCLA Research: Rechargeable lithium-ion batteries power...
Quantum Material Exhibits Behavior That Mimics Brain Function
New research shows a possible way to improve energy-efficient computing
Quantum Material Exhibits Behavior That Mimics Brain Function: We often believe computers are more efficient...
Safer, Cheaper, More Powerful Aluminum Batteries
Safer, Cheaper, More Powerful Aluminum Batteries: A good battery needs two things: high energy density to power devices, and stability, so it can be...
Making Bioplastics that are Easier to Compost
MSU research shows how putting starch into a bio-based polymer can make it more compostable, helping divert plastic waste
Making Bioplastics that are Easier to...