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Rapid Energy Sharing Between Semiconductors

Researchers discover that electrons play a surprising role in heat transfer between layers of semiconductors, with implications for next-generation electronic devices Rapid Energy Sharing Between...

Turning Sunlight into Electrical Energy in 2D Materials

by University of Göttingen Turning Sunlight into Electrical Energy in 2D Materials: An international research team led by the University of Göttingen has, for the first...

Capturing High Pressures in Diamond Capsules

by Center for High Pressure Science & Technology Advanced Research Preservation of the high-pressure states of materials at ambient conditions is a long-sought-after goal for...

A New Method Boosts Wind Farms’ Energy Output

David L. Chandler | MIT News Office By modeling the conditions of an entire wind farm rather than individual turbines, engineers can squeeze more power out of...

A Promising Method to Produce Fiber Batteries on an Industrial Scale

Fiber batteries are millimeter-thin batteries based on fibers that can be woven into items of clothing or used to create highly flexible, wearable electronics....

Breakthrough in Cathode Chemistry Clears Path for Lithium-Sulfur Batteries’ Commercial Viability

America’s growing demand for electric vehicles (EVs) has shed light on the significant challenge of sustainably sourcing the battery technology necessary for the broad...
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