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Ultrathin non-stick coating revolutionizes injection molding

The new UltraPLAS coating developed by Fraunhofer researchers has proven to be a ground-breaking solution to the challenges of primary forming processes. This advanced...

Rice lab finds better way to handle hard-to-recycle material

The process transforms glass fiber-reinforced plastic into silicon carbide A better way to handle hard-to-recycle material is glass fiber-reinforced plastic (GFRP), a strong and durable...

PEEK Compound for Monolayer E-Motor Magnet

Monolayer design eliminates adhesion and sustainability constraints of conventional PEEK or enamel insulation processes. PEEK Compound for Monolayer E-Motor Magnet: Solvay has launched a new...

Resin Price Report: Resin Prices Continue to Slide

Resin Price Report: Resin Prices Continue to Slide: Spot resin trading improved substantially, such that the PlasticsExchange trading desk reported its best week so...

Recycling Plastic into Art

Recycling Plastic into Art: Diplomats from 175 countries gathering in Paris for plastics treaty talks on Monday may want to pack an umbrella, but...

Material that can be Made like Plastic but Conducts like Metal

Material that can be Made like Plastic but Conducts like Metal: Scientists with the University of Chicago have discovered a way to create a...

Scientists Make Plastic from Sugar and Carbon Dioxide

Some biodegradable plastics could in the future be made using sugar and carbon dioxide, replacing unsustainable plastics made from crude oil. Scientists Make Plastic from...

NYC Tries Plastic Roads

NYC Tries Plastic Roads If you can make a plastic road in New York City, can you make it anywhere? The Big Apple is in the...

Transparent Plastic that’s Highly Conductive

Transparent Plastic that's Highly Conductive: It was a simple idea—maybe even too simple to work. Research scientist James Ponder and a team of Georgia...

Recycling Previously Unrecyclable Polyvinyl Chloride

by University of Michigan Recycling Previously Unrecyclable Polyvinyl Chloride: PVC, or polyvinyl chloride, is one of the most produced plastics in the United States and the...
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