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Tag: superconductivity

Quantum phenomena as classical or quantum computing transistors

NEW CLASS OF 2D MATERIAL DISPLAYS STABLE CHARGE DENSITY WAVE AT ROOM TEMPERATURE These exotic quantum phenomena could be helpful as classical or quantum computing...

Superconductivity Switches On and Off in “Magic-Angle” Graphene

A quick electric pulse completely flips the material’s electronic properties, opening a route to ultrafast, brain-inspired, superconducting electronics. Superconductivity Switches On and Off in “Magic-Angle”...

Switching identities: Revolutionary insulator-like material also conducts electricity

University of Wisconsin–Madison researchers have made a material that can transition from an electricity-transmitting metal to a nonconducting insulating material without changing its atomic...

The force of the vacuum

Scientists from the Theory Department of the Max Planck Institute for the Structure and Dynamics of Matter (MPSD) at the Center for Free-Electron Laser...

“Lazarus Superconductivity” Observed in uranium ditelluride

Researchers from the University of Maryland, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST), the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory (National MagLab) and the...

Topological behavior of electrons in 3-D magnetic material

An international team of researchers led by scientists at Princeton University has found that a magnetic material at room temperature enables electrons to behave...

Quantum material predictions

Solving a complex problem quickly requires careful tradeoffs – and simulating the behavior of materials is no exception. To get answers that predict molecular...

Mysteries of ‘magic’ angle graphene superconductors

In spring 2018, the surprising discovery of superconductivity in a new material set the scientific community abuzz. Built by layering one carbon sheet atop...

First detailed measurements of key factors related to high-temperature superconductivity

In superconducting materials, electrons pair up and condense into a quantum state that carries electrical current with no loss. This usually happens at very...

Pushing the extra cold frontiers of superconducting science

Measuring the properties of superconducting materials in magnetic fields at close to absolute zero temperatures is difficult, but necessary to understand their quantum properties. How...
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