Leading Dutch pickled vegetable processor Van der Kroon Food Products B.V. (VDK) has become the first company to market with the recently launched 500-ml multilayer Thermic Ultra jar from RPC Kutenholz (Kutenholz, Germany).
The blow molded polypropylene jars have an ethylene vinyl alcohol (EVOH) barrier layer and are recyclable. For their first foray into stores, the Thermic Ultra jars are being filled with gherkins, silver onions and piccalilli sold under the Kroon brand in delicatessens.
The shatterproof jar provides enhanced consumer safety in countries like the Netherlands, where the online ordering of products from supermarket websites is gaining popularity. RPC Kutenholz has been supplying Van der Kroon with multilayer jars for many years, but until now the large sizes have targeted foodservice applications.
Read more: This not-so-little polypropylene jar went to market
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