Rare Earth Materials on the Molecular Level

by Wiley Rare Earth Materials on the Molecular Level: Rare-earth metals are indispensable for many technical products, from smartphones, laptops, batteries, electromotors, and wind turbines, to...

Plastic Upcycling: From Waste to Fuel for Less

Plastic upcycling provides a way to reuse the waste carbon now cluttering landfills and beaches. Credit: Sara Levine, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory by Pacific Northwest National...

Recycled Plastics Boost Properties of Carbon Fiber

Chemically altered lignin combined with polyacrylonitrile strengthens carbon fiber while making it even lighter in weight. Recycled Plastics Boost Properties of Carbon Fiber: The second...

New Animal Inspired Lightweight Designs

By Rachel Crowell The animals could inspire the creation of strong, but lightweight new materials Sea urchin skeletons may owe some of their strength to a common...

Manufacturing Metal-Organic Framework-Based Composites for Efficiency

By Michelle Revels Manufacturing Metal-Organic Framework-Based Composites for Efficiency: Dr. Qingsheng Wang, associate professor and George Armistead ‘23 Faculty Fellow in the Artie McFerrin Department...

Material that can Learn Like the Brain

by Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne Material that can Learn Like the Brain: EPFL researchers have discovered that Vanadium Dioxide (VO2), a compound used in electronics,...

Water Separates into Two Different Liquids

Fresh evidence that water can change from one form of liquid into another, denser liquid, has been uncovered by researchers. The research was carried out...

Rechargeable Grid Storage Batteries

Rechargeable Grid Storage Batteries: Over the past few years, scientists have been hard at work trying to develop rechargeable zinc-manganese dioxide batteries into a...

Plastic that is Degradable and Highly Recyclable

by University of Turku Plastic that is Degradable and Highly Recyclable: A research group headed by senior researcher Jianwei Li at the MediCity Research Laboratory has...

Potential Bioindicators for Monitoring Plastic Pollution

by National Institute of Standards and Technology Potential Bioindicators for Monitoring Plastic Pollution: With an estimated 8 million metric tons of plastic waste escaping to our...
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