Flame-Retardant Polymers Also Functions as Biocide
Flame Retardant Polymers Also Functions as Biocide: Tolsa S.A., a supplier of specialized additives for a range of markets, will showcase its ADINS range...
Fabricate Cobalt Copper Catalysts for Methane
by Tsinghua University Press
The world is highly dependent on fossil fuels to power its industry and transportation. These fossil fuels lead to excessive carbon...
Capturing High Pressures in Diamond Capsules
by Center for High Pressure Science & Technology Advanced Research
Preservation of the high-pressure states of materials at ambient conditions is a long-sought-after goal for...
New Battery Electrode Material Welcomes Calcium Ions
Concerns over scarcity, high prices and safety regarding the long-term use of lithium-ion batteries has prompted a team of researchers from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute...
A New Method Boosts Wind Farms’ Energy Output
David L. Chandler | MIT News Office
By modeling the conditions of an entire wind farm rather than individual turbines, engineers can squeeze more power out of...
Inside Honeywell’s Advanced Recycling Research
Inside Honeywell’s Advanced Recycling Research: Honeywell UOP Riverside operations in McCook, IL, outside Chicago, are a sprawling industrial site that houses a large central laboratory...
Solar Kerosene: One Giant Leap for Humankind
By: Geoffrey Ozin
The production of kerosene directly from carbon dioxide and water promises to be a game-changer in the energy field.
Solar Kerosene: One Giant...
Scientists Encode ‘Wizard of Oz’ in a Vanishingly Small Plastic
by Esther Robards-Forbes, University of Texas at Austin
Imagine scientists encode small plastic being able to hide an extremely complex encryption password or detailed financial information...
Designer Materials to Keep Plastic Out of Landfills
– By Alison Hatt
Scientists have designed a new material system to overcome one of the biggest challenges in recycling consumer products: mixed-plastic recycling. Their achievement will...
A Simple, Cheap Material for Carbon Capture, Perhaps from Tailpipes
by Robert Sanders, University of California - Berkeley
Using an inexpensive polymer called melamine—the main component of Formica—chemists have created a cheap, easy and energy-efficient way...