Electron sandwich doubles thermoelectric performance

Researchers more than doubled the ability of a material to convert heat into electricity, which could help reduce the amount of wasted heat and...

Graphene assembled film shows higher thermal conductivity

Researchers at Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, have developed a graphene assembled film that has over 60 percent higher thermal conductivity than graphite film...

Paired-up electrons can be manipulated in semiconductors

The way that electrons paired as composite particles or arranged in lines interact with each other within a semiconductor provides new design opportunities for...

Polyphosphate-based Smart Material for Implants

Smart biomaterials for regenerative medicine are required to facilitate tissue repair while also being biologically active. Polyphosphate is a promising physiological biopolymer that is...

Purple Unicorn: Attracting Supply Chain Superstars

Recent graduates often make promising hires, especially for organizations who tech-savvy younger workers for their supply chain departments. At the same time, unemployment rates...

Nobarrier to applications for a remarkable 2-D material

Mass production of large, uniform sheets of single-layer molybdenum disulfide, MoS2, is difficult, which limits its commercial application. A*STAR researchers have modified an existing...

Graphmatec develops 3D printable graphene filament

Swedish graphene nanocomposite materials developer Graphmatech, and Add North 3D, a manufacturer of desktop and industrial use 3D printer filaments, have teamed up to...

This sixth-grade inventor built a robot to hunt ocean plastic

Of the millions of metric tons of plastic that enter the ocean each year, researchers don’t yet know exactly where it all ends up....

Plastic sensors could monitor a range of health conditions

An international team of researchers has developed a low-cost sensor made from semiconducting plastic that can be used to diagnose or monitor a wide...

Coherent coupling between a quantum dot and a donor atom

Quantum computers could tackle problems that current supercomputers can't. Quantum computers rely on quantum bits, or "qubits." Current computers perform millions of calculations, one...
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