Tag: DOE
Outstanding Faculty in Discovery: Kilaz aims for sustainably fueled future
Gozdem Kilaz, associate professor of engineering technology, has been recognized for her contributions to the research mission in Purdue University’s Polytechnic Institute. In May...
Next-Generation Composites May Monitor Their Own Structural Health
Carbon fiber composites—lightweight and strong—are great structural materials for automobiles, aircraft and other transportation vehicles. They consist of a polymer matrix, such as epoxy,...
Quantum material predictions
Solving a complex problem quickly requires careful tradeoffs – and simulating the behavior of materials is no exception. To get answers that predict molecular...
First detailed measurements of key factors related to high-temperature superconductivity
In superconducting materials, electrons pair up and condense into a quantum state that carries electrical current with no loss. This usually happens at very...
Strain can drive chemistry in a photovoltaic material
A unique combination of imaging tools and atomic-level simulations has allowed a team led by the Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory to...
Greater than the sum of its parts
When it comes to designing and optimizing mechanical systems, scientists understand the physical laws surrounding them well enough to create computer models that can...
Graphene helps protect photocathodes for physics experiments
Transforming light into electricity is no mean feat. Some devices, like solar cells, use a closed circuit to generate an electric current from incoming...